
What Happens on Sundays?


Our worship service begins at 9:30 AM and features biblical preaching and contemporary worship music. During this time, we offer Children’s and Youth Ministries for ages infant-12th grade.

While you’re visiting, please make a point to stop by the Welcome Table and allow us to introduce ourselves and answer any questions you might have.

If you have any questions before you visit, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We love meeting new people!

Valley Youth Mid Week Gatherings


Our Youth Ministry gathers outside of Sundays regularly throughout each month, typically every Thursday evening from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Youth Room (the large gym at Valley).

However, each month can vary depending on the season and school calendar. A monthly calendar is available for download below (and is noted on the calendar above) event dates and themes.

Getting Here

Our church and offices are located at 220 Turkey Hill Road, Haddam, CT 06438.


Follow us in Instagram for the latest news and updates.